Women of Faith
Women of Faith (WoF) promotes Christian knowledge, fellowship and service at large.
Women of Faith are part of the national Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML).
We invite all women to join us in serving one another in love.
Women of Faith

- We have a Ladies Bible Study every Tuesday at 9:20 am. Meetings either follow this Bible Study or they are held on Thursdays at 6:30 pm.
- We have the special privilege of praying for others through our church prayer chain. We sew quilts for Lutheran World Relief (LWR).
- We organize and conduct a rummage sale every year to raise money for various projects and programs. We financially support our sister congregations in Siberia, the Multi-Ethnic Ministry of North Dallas, and other projects.
- We provide care of the altar and chancel area. We serve meals for members due to an event that has impacted their lives. We provide a “Cradle Roll” packet to members with newborns through age three. We host a Nursery for the care of little children during church services and Sunday School. We mail Birthday cards and special occasion cards to members. We organize and plan a funeral meal or reception.