We are always looking for faithful members to assist with Usher duties. Wayne Strenger is our leader, please contact him if you are interested in being put on an Usher team or please contact the Church office if you would like additional information ( ).
Usher Responsibilities
- Each usher provides an important role in the divine service. An usher is expected to welcome visitors and members with a humble and reverent heart. A coat and tie is the recommended attire for all scheduled ushers. Wearing your nametag is highly recommended.
- Ushers should arrive 15 to 20 minutes prior to the beginning of the service. Ushers should review the bulletin/liturgy for any special activities or deviations from the normal service.
- Ushers should position themselves so as to greet all worshippers and make them feel welcome and comfortable. Ushers will pass out the bulletins and assist with seating as required.
- Ushers will close the sanctuary doors at the beginning of the divine service. Ushers will greet late arriving members and guests. Encourage them to wait for the appropriate time to be seated (during a hymn or singing part of the liturgy).
- Ushers will assist with the offering collection, attendance counting and communion.
- Ushers should be alert for any disturbance. In case of illness, the usher should escort the sick to the narthex, if possible, and assist or render aid as required. Locate a parish nurse or doctor, if their services are needed. Be alert for parents with noisy children. They may need assistance to move to the narthex or nursery.
- Ushers should participate in the divine service as much as possible.
- After the conclusion of the divine service, walk the aisles of the sanctuary picking up any trash, straighten/replace hymnals and pick up the attendance records. Sort the attendance records. Separate the sheets with any visitor information from those with only members’ names. Install any new supplies needed in the attendance books. Place the attendance records on the Secretary’s desk in the church office.
- After the late Sunday Service, assist with the coffee cleanup duty.